
hello, darby smart

Remember that time you thought it would be super fun and easy to take on an Anthro hack with a simple DIY project? But instead it turned out to be twice as expensive, took up your entire weekend, your fingers ended up glued together, and it looked like a cheap, homespun version of the real thing.

Yea, me too.

In addition, I must confess, I'm also a little lazy when it comes to DIY and crafts. I love a good crafting party as much as the next girl, but when it comes to gathering all the supplies, tools, and materials, it can so quickly become a drag.


Luckily, I recently came across this brilliant website: Darby Smart. I love it because everything is curated by DIY-ers, for DIY-ers. So it's a few simple steps and a few simple supplies, and, voila, there you have it! 

I didn't need much convincing. Now, a vintage button necklace? Yes, please. 


                                                                                  [photo from Darby Smart]