
My Thanksgiving Table

Last year for Thanksgiving my husband and I stayed local in NYC and hosted a few family members for the big dinner. It was my first time being responsible for the ennnntire meal—and if I'm honest, if was the first time I've ever been responsible for more than one simple side dish. But....despite our small New York City apartment with its obvious spatial challenges and despite our oven breaking mid-way through the meal being prepared (yes, that actually happened...), I still considered it a success!

As much as I loved all the cooking and prepping and whisking and baking, my favorite part was preparing the table decor (no surprise there!) and getting all my dishes, little trinkets, and miniature turkeys in perfect position. I may have even done a few trial runs of setting up the table before Thanksgiving day...but, it was worth every minute of agonizing preparation.

And all that background info leads me here: Since Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and since I'm always looking for an excuse to put together a holiday table scheme (and since there is soooo much adorable holiday decor out there) I decided to put together a fresh table scheme for your table!

We'll be traveling for Thanksgiving this year, so I hope someone can enjoy this for me...all links below. Happy Thanksgiving! 
